Care after hospital discharge
In most cases, when people are discharged from hospital they will require a period of convalescence while they recover and get back on their feet. That’s when hospital discharge care can help to support a comfortable return to home and a fast recovery.
Elderly patients will usually only be discharged from the hospital if they can return home safely with the right care and support in place. At Trinity Homecare, we work alongside any existing medical professionals involved in your care to develop a personalised, holistic, and complete care plan to support you to live independently at home.
Depending on your circumstances, such as your ongoing health needs, the prognosis of your recovery, mobility, and home living situation, different care options are available. At Trinity Homecare our experienced carers and flexible care options mean we can quickly put in place care after hospital discharge, usually within 24 hours. And with our flexible approach, if your needs change, the care you receive can be adjusted easily.
The hospital discharge process
Each hospital will have its own discharge policy. You can ask for a copy from the ward manager or Patient Advice and Liaison Service. Nonetheless, planning around a person’s hospital discharge should take place as soon as they are admitted to the hospital.
The care professionals involved in your hospital stay will discuss with you (and your family/carers if you want):
- How the doctor will decide when you’re ready to be discharged
- When they think that will be
- Whether you will go home or somewhere else, such as a community hospital or care home
- Transport or any other practical arrangements
- Any support and care you might need after you have been discharged
If you are the carer of a person in the hospital, then it is important to notify the hospital as early as possible that you plan to care for them after their discharge. This is so the healthcare team can involve you in the process of planning hospital discharge care.
If care is needed after your hospital discharge, then a hospital discharge assessment will be carried out by a team of health and social care professionals to identify any specific needs you may have.
They will be assessing your care needs and eligibility for NHS funding (for a maximum duration of 6 weeks) for:
Intermediate care includes care services such as nursing care, home support, occupational therapy, or physiotherapy designed to promote faster recovery.
Reablement care is a short-term goal-specific care focused on recovering, regaining abilities and strength, and adapting to life at home, in order to remain well and live independently.
NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) is a type of care that if you have long-term significant healthcare needs, you may be eligible for a package called NHS Continuing Healthcare.
Care and support from a private provider, such as Trinity Homecare, that you pay for either in your own home or a care home (this is likely to be the only option if you are not eligible for help from your local authority)
Such as rehabilitation or palliative care depending on your medical condition.
Wheelchairs, specialist beds, or aids and adaptations needed for daily living at home.
How is Hospital Discharge Care Arranged?
If you are eligible for funding for your post-hospital care, you can decide how to spend the personal budget allocated to you, or your local council can arrange care on your behalf and decide which care agency you will receive your care from. If you are not eligible for care funding, then you will have to pay and arrange for your own home care.
Whether your care is funded or not, Trinity Homecare is here to help you organise your home care as quickly and efficiently as possible. If you or a loved one require home care after a hospital discharge, get in touch with us today to find out how we can help find the perfect care solution for you.
To arrange care after a hospital discharge the home care provider you choose will carry out a care needs assessment to better understand your needs and wishes. At Trinity Homecare, we operate a completely free, no-obligation enquiry service. This includes coming to your home, or visiting you in the hospital, to carry out a free care needs assessment.
The care needs assessment enables us to assess your care needs and take into consideration any existing care and medical support you receive, your wishes, and your preferences. This assessment allows us to create a bespoke care plan tailored specifically to you, so you get exactly the care you need and want.
Why choose Trinity?
With our 25 years of experience and award-winning care services provided throughout England, we are perfectly positioned to give you the home care you need to get back on your feet with ease. Whether you are planning a hospital stay, are currently in hospital, or have recently been discharged, we can help you to implement hospital discharge care quickly.
We have recently been awarded an ‘Outstanding’ rating by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) which regulates home care services in England. Only 3% of care providers in England receive this highest rating which means we are proven to provide safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led services.
Our friendly and experienced team is available 7 days a week, from 7.30am to 5.30pm and is ready to help you. Get in touch today on 01908 183 4648 or complete our online enquiry form.