Other ways to get in touch
Confidential compliments and complaints
At Trinity Homecare, we’re committed to ensuring that we provide you with the highest standard of care and we welcome you to share your thoughts by making a compliment or a complaint. Our values of personal, trusted and caring resonate throughout everything we do here at Trinity Homecare and your feedback is extremely valuable to us.
By sharing your thoughts and feelings, you’ll be helping us to ensure that we are fulfilling our commitments to our clients, as well as highlighting areas which we can improve our services.
What happens if I want to make a complaint?
At Trinity Homecare, we are committed to upholding our proactive culture and this means that we will do everything in our power to resolve an issue that’s concerning you.
All complaints will be managed in line with our complaints policy.
Verbal complaints should be directed to your Care Manager and their contact information is provided in your Personal Support Plan. Your Care Manager may be able to deal with the complaint immediately over the telephone. If they are unable to deal with the issue, they will transfer your complaint to the Registered Care Manager who will be able to offer you more specialist support.
When we receive a written complaint, we will contact you within 3 working days to discuss the matter and where possible, to provide an immediate solution. If the matter cannot be dealt with straight away, you will receive an acknowledgement of the written complaint within 3 working days and we will begin an investigation.
We will write to you again within 28 days with details of our findings and where appropriate, provide apologies and information about what’s being done as a result of your complaint.
What if I’m not happy with the outcome?
In most instances, we can resolve an issue immediately. Complaints that are more serious are passed to the Director of Care Services, who will contact you and undertake a telephone interview to discuss the issue further. In the unlikely event that a complaint cannot be resolved satisfactorily, a member of our management team will visit you for a one-to-one discussion.
If you still feel that your complaint has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you can contact the Local Government Ombudsman.
Our managed care services are registered with and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Although the CQC cannot get involved in individual complaints about care provision, they are happy to receive information about our services at any time.